Art and Artists From the studio Thoughts Words of Others

A Dialog…

Jen Mazza: (A Dialogue of Three Disciplines) hi Richard, I was just finishing Joselit’s piece and found it funny/interesting that many of the things he talks about are things I have picked out from other readings. Like this quote by Hito Steyerl, which refers to her medium and documentary film, but resonates with my concerns …

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The sky, it is blue, and other Aha! Moments, ie: The Momentary Manifesto

Recently I was describing the complete and utter revolution I’ve experienced in my artistic practice, only to have the listener remark “but that sounds like what all artists do in the studio”. At that moment it became clear to me that perhaps I needed to develop my language skills… a bit. But I must say that on some level she is correct. Yes, I am doing what all artists do in the studio. But now I am doing it DIFFERENTLY then I was before.

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Darkness Visible

How many darks are there? Low ceilinged dark, watch your head dark, near to the wall dark, bump your shin dark, inside dark, outside dark? How deep is dark? Something perhaps more considered when black and white is your medium.

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Not thinking of princesses

“I envy – but I’m not sure that I envy – those for whom a biography could be written, or who could write their own.  In these random impressions, and with no desire to be other than random, I indifferently narrate my factless autobiography, my lifeless history.  These are my Confessions, and if in them …

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Infra-ordinary and invariables

“How can we speak of these “common things”, how rather, can we stalk them, how can we flush them out, rescue them from the mire in which they remain stuck, how can we give them a meaning, a tongue, so that they are at last able to speak of the way things are, the way we are?”

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Painting and dreams overlap in their ability to tell us not only convincing truths, but in their ability to tell us equally convincing lies.

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8/13/05 Wide the windows flung Hot air and insects rush past my ears. Seusslike, the trees saronged in kudzu, play a thousand stringed insects. Winged violins pulse like sounds rushing by roadside.

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